This is the day that the LORD has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!
Psalm 118:24
This has been my verse for quite some time, now it is more important than ever.
It seems like spring has sprung. We had a beautiful day here in Fort Wayne yesterday. The sky was a deep blue and the sun was bright. I hope this weather lifts everyone’s spirits a bit.
Today should be even better. Sunny with a high of 70. Brock and I have been thankful that it’s not the middle of winter. Like my daughter said yesterday as we were digging the mower out of the garage, “People in warm climates must have an easy life.” Lots of people in Indiana wonder “Why do we live here?”
I didn’t plan on writing until the surgery a week from tomorrow, but I know more people are finding out about his blog so I wanted to welcome anyone new.
Brock is working every day. We know there have been a lot of prayers that his jaundice stays at a minimum. Well, it has been very minimal. The best it’s been since March 22 when we realized his eyes had that unmistakable yellow tinge. This is a huge blessing. He’s able to eat more and is maintaining his weight. The doctors said no diet restrictions, but we have found low fat is the way to go.
Yesterday we had lunch with our pastor and his wife. This is the man that married us going on 14 years ago. We had a simple, beautiful wedding at Emmanuel Community Church.

We feel a lot of comfort in his words of wisdom and his wife's calm demeanor brings me a sense of peace. Thanks, Bob and Kathy!
This morning Brock was singing in the shower. In all the years I've known him, I've never heard him sing in the shower. Wow!
The 4 main things to pray for right now would be...
1. That Brock would maintain his health to keep strong for the surgery.
2. That the surgery can be completed as planned.
3. That the cancer has not spread past the ampulla.
4. That his immediate family feel God's presence and have peace of mind.
As always, we feel your prayers. We are overwhelmed by your concern and love.
Until the next time...We love you all!
Our God is an AWESOME God!
1 comment:
I'm so glad you wrote this blog/book! I've heard so much second hand at random times; it was nice to know the details in order and be able to follow everything. Colin and I are praying for you guys every day. My coworkers are praying as well. I'm so glad God is in control! Let me know if there's anything we can do. I love you guys.
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