Hello to all of our readers. I don't know how many of you are sticking with me on this daily saga, but I welcome all of you!!
I made it to the hospital at 7:15 am today and the surgeon was just finishing in Brock's room. I caught the tail end of the conversation. It was concerning the NG tube. It can't come out until the digestive system begins working, so he suggested liquid diet. Juice, jello, broth, popsicles, pop and water. Before this, it was ice chips only. The nurse suggested apple juice. That did the trick about 6 hours later. So this is a huge praise! Brock is back on the throne after a 5 day hiatus. The only thing missing was the ShotGun News, his favorite bathroom reading material. But with juggling all the tubes and wires, I don't even think he noticed he didn't have anything to read.
One strange thing that I didn't understand, was that his blood pressure dropped immediately after going to the bathroom. How one has anything to do with the other is beyond me and I'm not even going to try any further to understand this miracle God made called the human body!
The port in his neck is gone. It has a huge bandage on it that should come off this evening. Ever so slowly the apparatus is disappearing. I did take a picture of his incision today, but I will forgo showing it to you for fear of someone not being able to handle the shock. There are 25 staples. I think it looks very good, considering. And even Brock said he thought it would be longer.
He took lots of walks, at least 7, I might have lost count. He sat on the edge of the bed and in the chair quite a bit too.
He did say, "this place is like a dungeon during the night." I wish I could be there for him at night, but I just can't. I am surprised at how tired I am in the evening. I really thought I could take it better than this. People are always talking about how exhausting it is to have a loved one in the hospital. Now I know what they mean. Especially one as sick as Brock is. It's not just visiting, it's helping in any way possible to get him comfortable or keep him comfortable. Brock will not be comfortable until he is home.
It's a sad thing, but we still haven't had time to pray together. I'm still counting on you holding up that end for us right now.
A lot of you have sent verses for us. We really appreciate that and will be going over all the comments and emails when he is home. Still no idea at all when that might be. Originally the surgeon told us 10 to 11 days in the hospital. If that is still the case, he could be home before the weekend is over.
Oh, I almost forgot. The pathologist friend was in and said that he and the surgeon just weren't able to connect yesterday on the final report on the cancer (chemo or no chemo?), so hopefully we will hear tomorrow. That is a step we will take when we come to it.
Remember, God gets the Glory!!
Love you and bless you,
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