Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Day Six Early Evening April 30
Your prayers have helped. Brock has gotten some rest today, but better than that, he had the best nurse all day. She helped him so much. He is on a different pain medicine now. I was partly right, he did have anxiety, but they think it was chemically induced by the pain meds he was on. The nurse on duty today said she's seen it many times. He also will get a sleep aid tonight, so pray that he gets a good night's sleep. If he does, he can work more tomorrow on walking and eating. He now can eat as much as he wants of a clear diet. A few bites of a popsicle, a few spoons of broth and that's about it.
They have capped off the NG tube, but haven't taken it out yet. As he begins eating, he needs to be aware of any nausea. If he has nausea, they will connect the tube again to relieve it.
The surgeon was in late morning. He said Brock is doing great. He was about to leave and so I became bold and asked him if there was any decision made regarding further treatment. He said, "it's very unlikley." He said he might have an oncologist come in to talk to us, but it's unlikley any further treament will be needed. So there it is. Our miracle.
I rested for an hour and a half at my Dad's place (just a quick walk from here), while he stayed with Brock. Although I didn't sleep, I did relax a bit.
I'm going to leave you here for tonight.
Thanks for listening, thanks for being there, thanks for the prayers and just being you.
Our God is an AWESOME God! Always.
Sleep Well.
Day Six Prayer Request
I couldn't sleep at 3 am , so I got up and got a few things done before coming to the hospital at 6 am. I wanted to make sure I see the doctor today.
Brock slept only 2 hours. The nurse even said he had a very bad night.
Please pray for sleep. He can't rest for some unknown reason. Personally I think it's some anxiety which he has never had his entire life.
When he dozes off for all of 5 to 10 minutes and wakes up, his eyes are big and he looks scared.
It's now 7 am, I will update you later today.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Day Five Tuesday Evening April 29

Hello to all of our readers. I don't know how many of you are sticking with me on this daily saga, but I welcome all of you!!
I made it to the hospital at 7:15 am today and the surgeon was just finishing in Brock's room. I caught the tail end of the conversation. It was concerning the NG tube. It can't come out until the digestive system begins working, so he suggested liquid diet. Juice, jello, broth, popsicles, pop and water. Before this, it was ice chips only. The nurse suggested apple juice. That did the trick about 6 hours later. So this is a huge praise! Brock is back on the throne after a 5 day hiatus. The only thing missing was the ShotGun News, his favorite bathroom reading material. But with juggling all the tubes and wires, I don't even think he noticed he didn't have anything to read.
One strange thing that I didn't understand, was that his blood pressure dropped immediately after going to the bathroom. How one has anything to do with the other is beyond me and I'm not even going to try any further to understand this miracle God made called the human body!
The port in his neck is gone. It has a huge bandage on it that should come off this evening. Ever so slowly the apparatus is disappearing. I did take a picture of his incision today, but I will forgo showing it to you for fear of someone not being able to handle the shock. There are 25 staples. I think it looks very good, considering. And even Brock said he thought it would be longer.
He took lots of walks, at least 7, I might have lost count. He sat on the edge of the bed and in the chair quite a bit too.
He did say, "this place is like a dungeon during the night." I wish I could be there for him at night, but I just can't. I am surprised at how tired I am in the evening. I really thought I could take it better than this. People are always talking about how exhausting it is to have a loved one in the hospital. Now I know what they mean. Especially one as sick as Brock is. It's not just visiting, it's helping in any way possible to get him comfortable or keep him comfortable. Brock will not be comfortable until he is home.
It's a sad thing, but we still haven't had time to pray together. I'm still counting on you holding up that end for us right now.
A lot of you have sent verses for us. We really appreciate that and will be going over all the comments and emails when he is home. Still no idea at all when that might be. Originally the surgeon told us 10 to 11 days in the hospital. If that is still the case, he could be home before the weekend is over.
Oh, I almost forgot. The pathologist friend was in and said that he and the surgeon just weren't able to connect yesterday on the final report on the cancer (chemo or no chemo?), so hopefully we will hear tomorrow. That is a step we will take when we come to it.
Remember, God gets the Glory!!
Love you and bless you,
Monday, April 28, 2008
Day Four Monday Evening April 28

He's lookin' good, huh? He's still smiling, praising God for every wonderful day!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Day Three Sunday Evening April 27

Hello from Brock!!
We hope everyone had a blessed Sunday and enjoyed their church service, no matter where that might have been.
As you can see, he is still smiling and has a thumbs up!
We had a busy day at the hospital. They removed the epidural and replaced it with self-administered pain meds. He still doesn't seem to be in a huge amount of pain, just more uncomfortable than anything. We had 2 different nurses ask him if he has a high pain tolerance. I know that he does. Thank the Lord.
They took the IV out of his hand and put it into a port in his neck that was placed there during surgery. This sounds worse than it is. Brock doesn't even feel it. They say an IV is only good for about 3 days in the same place and then it begins to get sore.
He still has the tube in his nose which keeps the stomach empty. The immediate prayer concern is that his bowels begin to work. They should at any time now. When they do, he should get the nose tube out (NG..for the medically knowledgeable) I know many of you are chuckling now, because you know Brock well and his bowels have never been a problem for him. Maybe his bowels have been a problem for me...but not for him. OK, now I'm laughing.
He took 3 walks throughout the day. Each one longer. He is steady on his feet. He does seem quite exhausted from the effort. The doctor said he could have a popsicle or two, but so far I haven't been able to talk him into it.
He had a few minor things today, a little bit of fever, a little bit of high blood pressure. The doctor said that was caused by too much fluids, so they gave him a diuretic to counter act. It's literally one thing after another. Brock said, "We haven't even had time to give praise." I had fully intended to read some scripture for him today in our quiet time. I had some good verses picked out, but there was no time. Well, one thing for sure, we will have plenty of time in the coming weeks.
I am still counting on the prayers from all of you. We started at 5 to 7 critical days, so now we should be at 2 to 4 more critical days.
So as you all start your Monday morning, we hope you have a wonderful week. Every day is one more day closer to having Brock home with me.
Prayer concerns:
That Brock's digestive system begins to work.
That the pathologist report comes back tomorrow so we know where we stand with cancer.
That Brock would have physical comfort.
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Love to all,
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Day Two Saturday Evening April 26
When I last left you, I was heading back to the hospital for an evening visit. I ended up staying almost 4 hours. Brock waited a little too long to ask for more pain medication and was having quite a bit of pain. He just could not get comfortable. The bed seems too small to me. He is 6' 1", I don't know what really tall guys do.
Evening is not Brock's best time even under perfect circumstances, so I have to realize he will always feel better in the mornings.
Today the nurse told us that today or tomorrow will be his worst day.
Since the surgeon told us the next 5 to 7 days are critical, I'm not really going to be comfortable till next Thursday, which is the National Day of Prayer.
So, there is not really a lot to report. He sleeps on and off through the day, sits in a chair 2 or 3 times a day.
Tomorrow I think the epidural will come out, so things will change a bit. Possibly he will start taking a few steps.
I have a message to you all from Brock. "God Bless" and hopefully in a few more days he will be up to seeing some of you.
Keep praying for his healing. Not only day by day, but hour by hour.
Brock hasn't heard his favorite song now for 3 days, so this is for him.
Our God is an AWESOME God! He reigns from Heaven above, with wisdom, power and love. Our God is an AWESOME God!
Love to all,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Day One Friday Evening April 25
I've seen Brock twice today and was there when they moved him from ICU to his room. He does have a lot of tubes and machines connected to him. I didn't really talk to him about visitors yet. We did get a good update from the nurse on what to expect. The pain most probably will get worse before it gets better as they will stop the epidural on Sunday. It is blocking a lot of the pain.
He sat in a chair for an hour and stood up to get in a wheelchair to go to his new room. He was somewhat tired after that.
He is also having his first meal through the feeding tube. It looks like baby formula and drips in very slowly like an IV.
His surgeon is off this weekend, but other doctors will check in on him.
We should have the pathologists report soon. That will be key on the decision whether or not he will need chemo.
Just about all the nurses we've seen so far ask where we are from. They told us people come from all over for this Whipple surgery. They have called it a "doozy" of a surgery and "when you have a surgery like this". When I see Brock (he looks so good) I can hardly believe that his body has gone through such a traumatic episode.
Well, I think I'll go back to the hospital and see my husband!
Praise the Lord!
If you would like some direct prayer requests, it would be....
That Brock continues to improve each hour
That the pain is not more than he can bear
That his spirits stay high
Remember the next 5 days are critical.
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Love to all!
One more thing.....
The Day After
I just talked to the hospital and Brock did very well during the night. His vitals have been good and his pain is being controlled. Later today they will feed him through his feeding tube that is surgically implanted. They will also get him up to sit in a chair. I asked if he is still upbeat and the nurse said yes, but we'll see how that goes after we get him up.
The best news is...the surgeon had already made his rounds and the nurse said he was very pleased. So pleased in fact, that Brock will be going to a room later today! I can hardly believe it! I knew he looked good yesterday when I saw him at 5:30 pm. The only funny thing he said was, "I need my tennis shoes on."
I'll leave it here and write more later as time allows.
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Love to all,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Successful Surgery !!!
The surgery was a complete success. Almost 7 hours. Four of us are waiting now to see Brock in the ICU. The doctor said he will be fully awake and no tube in his throat. Brock was concerned about that.
The doctor said the margins all around the tumor were all negative, so he feels confident they removed all cancer. He said the tumor was contained and there were no visible signs that it spread.
I hope I am the one to tell Brock, although I'm sure he is pestering the nurses for information as we speak.
The doctor said that we have all been worried, sitting on the edge of our seats all day, but now is the time to worry. That the next 7 days are critical. He said, "In the OR, I'm in control and now it's out of my hands."
Some possible complications could be pneumonia, heart attack, or stroke caused by blood clots. So please continue to keep Brock in your prayers.
It is all of you that brought us to this point. OK, yes, we are all breathing normally now.
More later.
Love to all!
Most of all...
Our God is an AWESOME God!
1:30 pm update!
The update nurse came through at 1:30 pm. She said the tumor has been removed and they are starting to put everything back together. It should be several more hours.
The breath is coming easier.
Just now Brock's discipleship friend, the pathologist here at Parkview, came out and said the tumor came right out and he is confident. He was smiling, and so am I!
More after 3:00 pm.
Keep praying!!
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Love to all,
Ongoing Surgery
So far, so good. The surgery started at 9:15. It is now 12:35. We were updated at 10:30 and also noon and things are going well, and as expected. Praise the Lord!
The surgeon had said 2 critical points were when he opened, and at the 2 hour point. We made it through both of those and are not breathing a sigh of relief, but are at least now breathing.
I have plenty of support here with me. Brenda, Brock's sister and her daughter, our niece Rachel, my daughter Jill, sister Paula and my father.
I figure we are halfway through so keep the prayers coming and I will update you as I am updated.
Brock slept well last night. He felt really good this morning.
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Love to all,
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Last blog before surgery
We were busy all day, took our grandson to school and then to Lowe's with our granddaughter. She found Dora gardening gloves and tools, so of course they came home with us. Scott turned over the garden for Brock and they planted tomatoes.
We had some visitors, and lots of phone calls.
The cleanse went well and wasn't bad at all. The surgeons office even called to make sure he drank his magnesium citrate. They said he is scheduled for 6 hours of surgery, more if the doctor needs it.
Our grandson won an award at pre school today for memorizing his bible verse. It went like this, "Jesus said He will always be there for us." It was such an unexpected blessing to have him blurt that out. Brock felt God was comforting him through a 4 year old. He was just beside himself. He attends an awesome Christian school and has an awesome teacher!
Brock's prayer concern for tomorrow is that "My wife Chris, 4 kids, Gary, Jill, Scott, and Tracy and 2 grandkids, Timothy and Kimberly and the rest of the immediate family be blessed through this." He says we will have it worse than he will as he'll be napping all afternoon and probably into the night. :)
I probably don't really need to voice my prayer concerns, but will anyway.
That there are no surprises as the doctor begins his surgery.
That he will be able to complete the surgery as planned.
That Brock suffers minimal pain.
Remember the magic hour is 8:30 am. I'll try to get the word out as soon as I possibly can through phone calls and this blog.
God has still blessed us with a peace we really don't understand and can't explain as we sit here 12 hours before surgery. To God be the Glory!
God Bless you all for caring for us.
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Last work day - Tuesday April 22
I hadn’t planned to write today, but feel that I need to put down on paper a feeling that came over me today. Suddenly, in an instant, as I was coming down the stairs this morning, my fear was washed away. I almost felt joy in my heart. The only way I can explain it is, either Brock’s wonderful attitude has finally rubbed off on me, or all the prayers being said for me got through and the Lord Himself gave me peace. Not that I’m not nervous about this whole thing, I wouldn’t be human if I wasn’t. It’s just a feeling inside.
The Scripture coming our way is overwhelming. One after another, Brock will say,
“Oh, we need to put that one on the blog.” Although I can’t put them all on the blog, some key verses that have been meaningful to us are the following.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 33:3
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
One co-worker sent the following which Brock enjoyed.
He is the healer of all of my diseases, and by his stripes I am healed.
You can only see the dust when the devil takes off.
Brock finished his last day at work, for how long, we just don’t know. We hope and pray it is the shortest time possible.
Brock wants to thank fellow workers at Brotherhood. You have all been a tremendous blessing to him over the last few weeks. The words of encouragement, cards, calls, prayers and support from co-workers and the agent force has been a big part of what God is doing for Brock and the whole family. Many of you have put Brock on the prayer list at your church and we realize this covers almost this entire country. Overwhelming just doesn’t cover it!
And also family, friends, neighbors, church family and even those of you that we have never met and don’t even know, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
One family member told me, “I wake up during the night and can only think, “Brock.” As that thought turns to a prayer we appreciate it.
Our Father, Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done…….
We sure hope you enjoy the song added to our blog. Thanks, Jill; your technical knowledge cannot be equaled.
Tomorrow Brock will start his cleanse, I have the magazines ready. :)
I’ll try to get with you again before Thursday.
Until then…
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Wait April 17 thru April 20
Last I wrote was Wednesday and here it is Sunday already. I have never in my life wanted time to fly as much as now, but at the same time I want it to stand still.
Brock worked last Thursday and Friday. He feels so blessed when he is at the office. There are so many people there with a care givers heart. He appreciates so much each and every one of you.
We knew it was going to be a busy weekend and it was!

We started our Saturday with Baptism. Brock was brought up in the church, but somehow was just never baptized. It was important to him to have this outward sign of his inward commitment to Jesus Christ our Lord. I joined him, as well as Brock's son Scott, my daughter, Jill and her husband Larry. Paster Bob performed this ceremony for us.
Later in the day we had a family wedding. It is a young Christian couple and very refreshing to share in their special day. We enjoyed being with family.

On Sunday the church service was very special. We had communion, a meaningful sermon and some of our favorite songs.
A few hours later we attended the birthday party of our grandkids turning 4 and 5. It's still another month for one of them, but since Grandpa won't feel much like a party, they decided they would share their day with each other. It's heartwarming watching their joy, especially during the "Happy Birthday" song. They are so sweet and very loving.
A friend of Brock's, Ken Nogan, from Pittsburgh stopped by to visit on his way to Chicago late in the afternoon. He brought his guitar and blessed us with some songs, at least one that he had written himself. Two of the songs were based on the following scripture:
Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
Psalms 46 1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though it's waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. verse 10 Be still , and know that I am God; I will be exhaulted among the nations, I will be exhaulted in the earth.
Thanks Ken, for coming all this way for us, for the comfort and the special prayer.
Brock is still feeling exceptionally well. His jaundice is less than minimal, I would say he's not jaundice at all. That is an answer to prayer. He says he will feel silly walking in the hospital feeling as good as he does.
God Bless each and every one of you.
And don't forget...
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday April 16
This is the day that the LORD has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!
Psalm 118:24
This has been my verse for quite some time, now it is more important than ever.
It seems like spring has sprung. We had a beautiful day here in Fort Wayne yesterday. The sky was a deep blue and the sun was bright. I hope this weather lifts everyone’s spirits a bit.
Today should be even better. Sunny with a high of 70. Brock and I have been thankful that it’s not the middle of winter. Like my daughter said yesterday as we were digging the mower out of the garage, “People in warm climates must have an easy life.” Lots of people in Indiana wonder “Why do we live here?”
I didn’t plan on writing until the surgery a week from tomorrow, but I know more people are finding out about his blog so I wanted to welcome anyone new.
Brock is working every day. We know there have been a lot of prayers that his jaundice stays at a minimum. Well, it has been very minimal. The best it’s been since March 22 when we realized his eyes had that unmistakable yellow tinge. This is a huge blessing. He’s able to eat more and is maintaining his weight. The doctors said no diet restrictions, but we have found low fat is the way to go.
Yesterday we had lunch with our pastor and his wife. This is the man that married us going on 14 years ago. We had a simple, beautiful wedding at Emmanuel Community Church.

We feel a lot of comfort in his words of wisdom and his wife's calm demeanor brings me a sense of peace. Thanks, Bob and Kathy!
This morning Brock was singing in the shower. In all the years I've known him, I've never heard him sing in the shower. Wow!
The 4 main things to pray for right now would be...
1. That Brock would maintain his health to keep strong for the surgery.
2. That the surgery can be completed as planned.
3. That the cancer has not spread past the ampulla.
4. That his immediate family feel God's presence and have peace of mind.
As always, we feel your prayers. We are overwhelmed by your concern and love.
Until the next time...We love you all!
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Chapter 6 Wed April 9 to today April 14
We were very excited and upbeat driving over and waiting in the office. We're hoping the surgery would be in a few days and hardly any of our plans for the spring and summer would change.
When the surgeon sat down, everything became beyond serious. This is a no nonsense doctor, he doesn't mince words, he tells it like it is.
He told us there are 4 types of cancer in this area of the body. Pancreas, duodenum, bile duct and ampullary. He told Brock, "You have the best one of the 4." He told us the chances for long term cure are 40 to 50%. He also said Brock would probably need chemo or radiation, or both. We are not scared of chemo after watching my stepmom go through it. At 85 years old and 90 pounds she did very well. It's tolerable. He began to explain the Whipple Procedure. I have no idea why they call it a procedure. It is surgery, a very serious surgery. I knew about it, but never thought after the diagnosis the day before that Brock would need it. I was way wrong.
He also told us straight out, 3 things could happen.
1. He will go in, see that the cancer has spread. He would then close.
2. He will go in, and at the 2 hour period, he will be at a critical point where he will have to work around 2 main blood vessels. If that doesn't go well, he would then close.
3. He will complete the surgery, which would be 6 hours.
After surgery, he will be in intensive care for 3 days and will be hospitalized for 10 days.
The surgeon said, at the 6 week point after the day of surgery he will turn a corner and start getting better.
So now we know where we stand, and so do you.
It's hard to take this all in, I know. We were stunned and a bit speechless.
The surgery was set for May 1. Three weeks away. A long time to wait, but in a way we were glad for the break. Maybe to have a bit of normalcy for a little while.
That was Wed. and on Sat. (2 days ago) Brock didn't feel good and began running a fever. The EUS doctor seemed to anticipate it because he gave us a prescription and said if he starts a fever, to begin taking it immediately. So we started the pills and by morning he was better and Sunday was a really great day.
Today we had another surprise. A call from the surgeon saying they had a cancellation for April 24 and could Brock come in for surgery that day? We were SO stunned! Brock wanted to say, "Well, let me check my calendar, I think I have a meeting that afternoon." We laughed so hard at that.
I pray the person who was scheduled is ok. I don't like thinking about it.
So we know where we stand and now, so do you.
A friend of Brock's from work blessed him with this article today from Tony Snow, the former Fox News correspondent and press secretary for President Bush. His words are a real encouragement to Brock and we hope you enjoy it.
You will hear from me periodically before the surgery. Right now, 8 hours after hearing the change in plans, we are just now starting to calm down, and catch our breath.
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and love.
We love you all!
Feel free to call or email or leave messages on this blog. We welcome them.
Our God is an AWESOME God!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Chapter 5 Wed. April 2 thru Tues. April 8
This was the first time Brock felt something come over him. He felt God's presence and blessing. The song "Our God is an Awesome God " popped in his head and a peace that he never felt before in his life washed over him. Whatever God has in store is fine with him and he knows God is with him and in control.
On Sunday evening April 6, we had just gotten in bed when one of the men in his Monday morning discipleship group called. Brock had been sending emails to keep them informed. This man is a Pathologist at Parkview. Brock gave him a run down of where things stand and he asked if he could see what he could do to keep us in Fort Wayne for the endoscopic ultra sound. Sure enough on Monday we received a call the EUS doctor, here in Fort Wayne could fit us in on April 16. We were so excited to have the test here. By the time Brock got home from work, they called again and moved it up to the next day, Tuesday April 8.
Now we are ecstatic. Waiting and not knowing things have been the hardest for us.
It's amazing the people that God brings into your life. You never know who it might be or when it might happen, but God's hand sure became evident to us.
Even though we were excited to get this test, we were still apprehensive as to the outcome. We knew this would tell the tale if the cancer was confined to the tumor, or had spread to the pancreas, duodenum, and/or more.
My son-in-law and father were at the hospital with me waiting this time. I sure didn't want to be alone. I knew my son-in-law could interpret for me, from medical jargon to English. :)
We were blessed that Dr. Kim from discipleship was also there. He would be the one looking at the tissue in case more biopsy was done.
When the doctor came out, I didn't need an interpreter because the smile on his face, and his words, "Good News!" were all I needed. It's the first time I broke down crying, crying for joy! He said it is ampullary cancer with one lymph node involved that looked easy to get to. He did not see any pancreas involvement. So there we stood, the EUS doctor, the anesthesiologist, the pathologist, my family and me, grinning from ear to ear.
I know it seems weird that it would be good news to us that a simple gall stone, turned out to a very rare ampullary cancer.
We were on the phone all evening, letting everyone know that the tumor is operable and we are ready for the next step.
Which appointment the very next day with the only doctor in Fort Wayne that does surgery on this type of cancer.
We go to sleep that night singing...
Our God is an AWESOME God!
I will try to finish this leg of our journey tomorrow. A few more ups and downs before we have time to take a breath and wait for surgery.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday. God Bless you all!
Chapter 4 Sat. March 29 thru Wed. April 2
On Saturday we moved my Dad and stepmom, Betty, age 86 and 85 to an apartment at St. Anne's. Turned out, there were 10 of us helping that day, my siblings, nieces and nephews and even a great niece and great nephew. It was quite a day, as they hadn't really gotten packed because Betty has head some health issues the last 2 years. It was a good time to catch everyone up on Brock's saga over the past week.
My Dad and Betty moved back to Fort Wayne after 28 years of marriage, a good life traveling and living different places, most recently in Florida. One month after returning, Betty was diagnosed with colon cancer, she beat that only to have heart failure maybe 6 months later. She did very well until another cancer, lymphoma, popped up a few months ago. This time she went through 3 rounds of chemo. She bounced back each time. As it got closer to moving, Betty seemed to be failing again. After moving on Sat. March 29, Betty ended up in the hospital on Tues, evening and died on Sunday April 6.
On Monday March 31 we had a visit with the surgeon to talk about and set up the gallbladder removal surgery. We liked this doctor immediately, too, although it turned out that this was the only time we met him. The surgery was set up for Thursday, the day after the ERCP.
On Wednesday April 2 we were excited to get to the hospital and get this thing over with. It was Spring break and we were the only patient in the endoscopy area. All the nurses and techs were upbeat and happy. I even went to the operating room with Brock and stayed until the doctor began the procedure. I was alone in the waiting room. I knew I had 2 hours to wait, but was nervous enough that I couldn't read or look at the TV.
They came to get me after only 50 minutes and I thought, "Boy, that was fast!" I looked at all the nurses, etc. and no one was smiling now. It seemed odd. Brock's only comment through his fog was, "Did you get the stone? I want to make a necklace out of it." No one laughed. I looked at the nurse and said, "Did he get the stone?" and she said the doctor will be out soon. I thought "oh, oh, here it comes". And did it ever. He told us it was not a stone, it was a tumor and he did biopsy's of it and sent them to the lab. He even gave us color pictures of it.
He said the next step would be an EUS, endoscopic ultra sound, but the problem was, only one doctor in Fort Wayne does this procedure and did not have an opening until April 22 and he didn't think it was wise to wait that long, so they had contacted IU Medical Center in Indy and they would be calling us with an appointment. They called in the car on the way home. The EUS was set up for Friday April 11 in Indy. In the meantime, the gallbladder surgery was cancelled.
OK, are you confused yet?
Just wait, the confusion and appointments get crazier.
Bare with me, I promise I will make it to present day eventually. :)
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Thank you all for your faithfullness.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Chapter 3 Tues March 25 thru Fri March 28
We have had trouble with not speculating about every step we've taken. We have to keep in mind God is in control and in the drivers seat.
I do know we were set up with a gastroentrologist. First in Auburn. Because of Spring Break, it seems all the doctor's offices were in a tizzy being short handed. They did find us one in Fort Wayne. So Tuesday was mostly phone calls setting up appointments and cancelling others. We didn't have to make any calls, this was all handled by various doctor offices. At this point we have been to 5 different doctors and in every one, the staff, the doctors have been incredible!
On Wednesday we went to see the gastroentrologist. We liked him immediately. He said to go ahead with the MRI scheduled for Thursday, but he was fairly certain it was a gall stone blocking the bile duct. He explained a procedure called an ERCP. He would use a scope to go through Brock's system until he came to the stone and poke it right through into the small intestine. But in the meantime, he ordered another blood test to see if his levels had changed at all since Monday. He also wanted to get us set up with a surgeon to have the gallbladder removed as soon as possible after the ERCP.
What a whirlwind, huh?
On Thursday we went for the MRI. Brock said it was weird and can understand why some people just cannot tolerate it.
On Friday I went and picked up his CT scan and MRI and delivered it to the gastroentrologist. A phone call later in the day confirmed that yes, it is a stone blocking the bile duct so the ERCP scheduled for Wed. April 2 was good to go.
I'll leave you here for now. Now that I'm putting this down in writing, it's no wonder we are exhausted.
Every day we thank God for all of you.
Our God is an Awesome God!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Chapter 2 beginning on Monday March 24
When the doctor came in the questions were a little more intense. You could tell he was thinking while examining. So it all started off with a blood test right then and a CT scan later in the day. We were quite anxious to hear the results and when the Dr. himself called the house we were quite surprised to hear his voice. That doesn't happen very often. We really aren't what you would call "doctor" people, so it's not like we are in and out of the office. We see him about every 2 years and maybe for a bad cold or something.
He explained to us the readings on his blood tests were not good. The billirubin was 6.2 and should be 0.0 to 1.0. His ALT and AST were also high (liver enzymes) and we had to ask what that meant. He told us Brock's liver was in distress. He also said he wanted Brock to come in the next day for a blood test for hepititas. No results yet on the CT scan.
We both had the sick feeling in the pit of our stomachs. Already the questions firing through our heads....what is wrong? How could he get hepatitis? Could his liver be failing? We were scared. By now I'm watching him close because I have no idea what could happen. During the night, I can't turn off the brain, planning fund raisers for a liver transplant. Why the mind runs so far in the future is beyond me. We didn't sleep very well that night.
I'll leave you all for now. Thanks for being with us through this unexpected journey.
Our God is an Awesome God!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Brock Update Chapter 1
We have decided to join the bloggers. I'm beginning to realize it will be necessary over the next few months to keep everyone close to our heart updated with the latest information on our medical journey.
I would like to start at the beginning while it is all still fresh in my mind.
Brock was on a business trip to Oklahoma. We said our phone good nights on March 12 as we always do when he is out of town. When he called in the morning he said he had felt sick during the night and felt like his dinner was still laying there. That day he and co-workers were traveling from Oklahoma City to Shawnee to Tulsa. While in Shawnee, he became chilled and just not felling well, so he went to an agents office to rest while they finished the job at hand. He was glad to get to the hotel that evening and just hit the bed.
He flew home the next day, a Friday, feeling a little better but still had flu like symptoms. Over the next 10 days he was up and down, felling ok at times and others on the couch. A couple of times he felt chilled like he was developing fever, but the highest fever I caught was only 100.4. He wasn't able to eat much and felt nauseous off and on.
On March 22 , the day before Easter, we were in the car and my stomach dropped when I realized Brock's eyes had a yellow tinge. When I told him, he, being Brock, didn't believe me. Also he was itching a lot, on his hands, arms and back and his urine was very dark yellow. My first thought was kidney problems.
Our family went to church together on Sunday and all to our house for Easter dinner. They all agreed, yes, he was indeed jaundiced. Our son-in-law is in the medical field and knew that he needed to get to the doctor as soon as possible. Brock was quiet that day and even went upstairs to take a nap.
On Monday morning, we called our family physician. Their phone lines were down and we couldn't get through, so we just drove to the office and they took us in immediately and the whirlwind began.
I'm going to stop here so you aren't overwhelmed with too many details at once. This is supposed to be a blog, not a book.
We appreciate each and every thought and prayer from each and every one of you.
Our God is an Awesome God!