Friday, May 2, 2008

Day Eight Early Morning Prayer Request

Good Morning to the early risers,

I arrived at the hospital today at 6:15. I already missed the doctor.

I will make this short so you can get to praying about an infection Brock has developed. The drain on his right side is showing there is infection of some kind. Two days ago he developed a fever in the afternoon. It rose to 101.5, then went back down. Yesterday the doctor said the drain is showing infection and ordered the antibiotic. This morning it is still the same so he told Brock if it doesn't improve, they may need to do a CAT scan to see what might be going on inside. Extra prayers today that this infection subscides and that the antibotic takes care of it.

I will write more later as time allows.

Our God is an AWESOME God!

Love from Chris

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