Thursday, May 29, 2008

Breathing the long awaited sigh of relief !!


We heard the words directly from the oncologist himself, no chemo!

Praise the Lord!

Brock is a cancer survivor! What wonderful words!

The oncologist said, "You are a lucky guy." Brock replied, "I am blessed."

It's been 5 weeks today since the surgery. A very long wait for the final answer to our (and your) prayers.

We realize this illness could very, very easily have had a different outcome. We don't know why God blessed us with this clean bill of health. I don't think he's finished with Brock yet. Leading up to the surgery, I just felt, deep within me, that it wasn't Brock's time to go. Not to say I wasn't scared out of my wits.

One thing I have learned from this traumatic experience. Don't be afraid to die as long as you are right with the Lord. In watching Brock's attitude and the peace that came over him, I really believe God makes everything alright. Further evidence of this occurred on April 8 when my step-mother, sweet Betty died. I watched her take her last breath and although it was heart wrenching to watch, she was at peace. I do think dying is worse for those left behind.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers, concern, cards, flowers, letters, gifts and most of all your friendship.

This is my final blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading about our journey as much as I have enjoyed writing.

Feel free to call anytime if you'd like to check on Brock.

Side note to my sister, Paula, "time to publish".

Brock and I close singing.....

Our God is an AWESOME God!

With love always,

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Visit to the Surgeon May 28


I've been trying to find the time to write because I know there are a few of you that are waiting to hear about our visit to the surgeon today.

It went very well. The surgeon was smiling again. Mostly he is interested in what Brock is eating, how much and if it's coming out the other end regularly. No problem there. He can't eat very much at a time, but he's tried just about every food and hasn't had any ill effects. He started drinking Ensure again because his weight is down to 214. He really doesn't want to get below 200, but even then it would be ok. His appetite does seem to be increasing. He is thinking and talking about food more often (like the old Brock).

The doctor said Brock can start doing whatever he feels he can do. To start slow and not over do. Brock will be returning to work on June 23. That will be exactly 2 months that he'll be off work. That's pretty good. The doctor had originally said he could be off work 11 to 12 weeks.

We did find out something new. Brock will be on an acid reducer for the rest of his life. This surgery made him prone to ulcers in that area of the body. The surgeon hadn't told us that. The way we found out was that Brock has been having breast pain with swelling. It's been bothering him pretty severly over the last couple of weeks. At times he said it feels like he's being pinched. We originally thought it was a nerve. When we told the surgeon about it, he knew exactly what it was. It was the pepcid that he's been taking since the surgery. It is a side effect of this medication. So he switched Brock to a different one and said it will take a few weeks for the pain to lessen.

The surgeon doesn't have to see Brock again for 3 months.

As time goes on, we reflect back how God had comforted us throughout this whole ordeal. It should be a comfort to anyone who reads this that if you are ever in a situation like we have been in, just know that God will be there for you too. The result will be the right result and it will happen in God's timing.

Tomorrow is our last scheduled doctor appointment. The oncologist. We are sure hoping we will be breathing that sigh of relief that we've been waiting for. I will share the results with you tomorrow at about this time.

Our God is an AWESOME God!

That becomes more apparent with every passing day.

Love to all,

Monday, May 26, 2008

A good holiday weekend May 26

Hello to anyone that might be checking up on Brock.

It's been awhile since I've checked in with you. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. It's very important to Brock and I to remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country from Valley Forge to Bagdad.. They died in the name of liberty. We have been to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery. What a place. You will come away from there a better American.

At this point in recovery, about 4 and 1/2 weeks, Brock is still improving. He is good for about 3 to 4 hours. Then he is down for a nap or a rest for 1 to 2 hours. I can see it in his face before he even knows it himself. He has the desire to do more things, which is probably a good sign. I know he hates to watch me mow the lawn or do any of the things that are "his" jobs. Being with him all the time, I'm not seeing the changes like others that don't see him as often. Our daughter and son-in-law were over to do a few things around the yard and made the comment that he's doing fantastic and they can really notice changes. I was really glad to hear that. Our son-in-law asked if we are tired of each other yet. We haven't been apart except for brief moments and it's been fabulous! Good thing we really, really like each other. :)

We had an interesting thing happen on Thursday morning at 4 A.M. Brock woke me up to report that his feeding tube fell out. That was scary. We didn't know what to do. Many things that happen in the middle of the night seem like a crisis, when in reality, if it was the middle of the afternoon it wouldn't be any big deal. We didn't know whether go to the hospital, call the doctor on call or what. We talked and thought it out and decided to wait till 8 A.M. when the office opened. We remembered at our last appointment, the surgeon saying he likes to wait 4 weeks to take it out. It had been exactly 4 weeks to the day. Also the home nurse had told Brock that he could just pull it out himself, that it wouldn't be a problem. There was a lot more of it inside his body then we thought. The whole tube was 16 inches long, 11 of it inside his body. It's so bizarre.

When Brock got ahold of the doctors office at 8:00 and told the nurse what happened, she said,"oh,oh". Then he explained he'd had it in 4 weeks and not using it. She said not to worry about it. So we didn't. The hole started closing immediately and we just covered it with gauze. It's all healed up now. The body is God's miracle. Perfect design.

We had another surprise on Friday late afternoon. The radiologist that we saw the week before called us at home. We are just so amazed about these doctors calling at home! He had told us that he would follow through with the surgeon and the oncologist. He and Brock had a really good talk. He said the 3 doctors had met and all agree that the cancer was caught extremely early and that surgery was the treatment. We've been smiling ever since we heard that. We will breathe the sigh of relief after we see the oncologist on Thursday this week and hear it out of his mouth.

The last thing I would like to share with you is something I am just beginning to realize. Brock does not remember very much about his hospital stay. I'm sure glad my dad was with us a lot because I need a witness to prove some of the strange things that went on. Most of them seem funny now. Like Brock just getting up thinking he's going to take a walk and barely giving me time to unplug 3 things from the wall, cover up his behind and gather all the tubes and wires to take along with us. Sometimes I think the Lord protects us by wiping bad things from our memory.

Well, it's time once again for Andy and Opie (The Andy Griffith Show).

Have a successful and healthy week. I will write again, hopefully on Wed. after our visit to the surgeon. We have lots of questions for him.

Thanks for being there. Brock and I appreciate you.

Our God is an AWESOME God!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A day in the life May 20


I promised a blog this week and today seemed like the right time for catch up.

Brock continues to recover slowly, but surely. The changes are very subtle. Something as simple as turning over in bed. Last night I noticed him do that for the first time. Until now he had to sit up first, he couldn't just roll over. He's able to bend over to pick something up. In church Sunday, we were able to stay for a little while after service to chat with some friends. Last week we were the first ones out the door because he was pretty worn out. He's not asking for help for a lot of little every day things.

Today was a very good day. Brock's office has available every year a wellness program that includes a Chem 17 blood test. It is also availble to spouses. Although Brock did not want to be stuck with another needle, I was excited to have this blood test to keep up on my numbers. My appointment was for 9:10 am. We left early so that Brock could say hello to co-workers. We saw quite a few people and everyone was glad to see him and expressed their excitement at the outcome of this surgery. Most told him how good he looks. We thanked everyone for all their prayers. I want to take a moment to thank you all again for all your prayers and concern for both of us. We are so proud to have every one of you in our lives.

When we left the office, we went out for breakfast with some good friends. It was so great to have some good food and even better company.

After all that excitement, Brock was ready for a nap and did sleep several hours during the day.

This evening some of our kids and grandkids came over and our son-in-law helped with a few little things that needed done around the house. We cooked burgers on the grill. Seems like life is coming back to normal.

Had to have a little brag time. These are our grandkids. These pictures were just taken yesterday. At the moment they are both 4 years old. They are 11 months apart in age. "Irish twins". Our daughter gets their picture taken every year at this time while they are the same age. They are the loves of our life.

I have been having questions about our brother-in-law, Bill. He did extremely well with his surgery and is already home. This family has had so much answer to prayer. We are all very thankful.

Time to watch Andy and Opie, Brock's favorite show.

Our God is an AWESOME God.

Love to all,


Friday, May 16, 2008

Visit to the Oncologist May 16

Hello everyone on this beautiful Friday evening.

I will get right to the point since I know you signed on to see how the doctor appointment went and not to listen to me ramble on.

Our appointment was at 1:45. We waited in the inside office for a really long time. When the doctor came in, he apologized for being late. He had been on the phone for 1/2 hour trying to get in touch with an oncologist at the IU Med. Center in Indianapolis that only works with Brock's type of cancer. Being Friday afternoon, he wasn't able to reach him.

Our doctor explained what we already knew. This cancer is very rarely caught this early. He said it was a very small tumor. There is nothing in the textbooks regarding ampullary cancer. The 4 types of cancer that I previously mentioned, ampullary, pancreatic, duodenum, and bile duct are all lumped together. Ampullary is the only one that has an actual cure rate. Cure is not a word you hear very often when it comes to cancer.

So with the data available, or I should say not available, he was not sure how to proceed. He weighed out the options either way, he said the chemo would be "a piece of cake", no nausea, no hair loss or stress on the heart. On the other hand, there is no reason to do chemo if it's not necessary. He asked us what the radiologist and the surgeon have said, and that he will confer with them. He said to give him a couple of weeks to work on it. We have another appointment with him on May 30.

Then at 6:15 this evening, the phone rings and it's the oncologist himself. I've just never heard of a personal phone call like this! He said he had spoken to one of the doctors at the IU Med. Center and his consensus is that, "there would be no benefit to chemotherapy." He said he wanted us to know what he found out and he would see us on the 30th. He said they will be having a conference on it. (I think he might have meant a conference call.)

Brock said maybe he'll go down in the medical journals. :) Leave it to Brock, huh?

So it's still a wait and see scenario. We are just trying to digest all of this.
More and more, we are starting to believe this just might be a miracle. This doctor just couldn't believe Brock only had symptoms for 2 weeks before diagnosis. He said people with cancer in the digestive tract usually go months and months before a diagnosis is made.

Thanks to all our doctors for the swift movement on every aspect of this entire journey. That alone saved Brock's life.

Brock's blood pressure is down to normal and heart rate too. Bill is doing very well on his first full day after his heart bypass surgery. Prayer works.

I don't know when I will write again. I'll feel lost without writing to you all. I'm sure I will update you sometime next week.

All the Glory to God!
Our God is an AWESOME God!

Love to all,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Visit to the Radiologist May 15

Time for praise!!

The radiologist consensus is that he doesn't see any need for further treatment.

How bout that? We are overwhelmed. We don't even know how to thank the Lord. Before the surgery, we got bad news on top of bad news and now we just keep getting good news on top of better news.

What a great doctor. He spent a lot of time with us. He did say he wants to confer with the surgeon and the oncologist after we see him tomorrow. But with wide margins like this, and the pathologist report, no need for radiation. He told us that when the tumor has been removed, they usually shoot the radiation directly into what they call the bed. Well, Brock's tumor bed is now gone. The whole area was removed by the Whipple Procedure. It all makes sense to me.

We talked quite a bit about ampullary cancer. The fact is, there just aren't any real statistics on it. In the first place, it is very rare and in the second place, it usually spreads before it is found. He said this was found very early.

Also, his blood pressure was down to 118/82. That's about exactly what it was running before the surgery. Brock has seemed a lot more relaxed today. He really resting and calm.

Our brother-in-law, Bill, was rushed into surgery this morning. In fact, they woke them up out of a sound sleep and said the monitors were showing they needed to move quickly. They said he needed the bypass immediately regardless of the risk. And the risk of bleeding was extremely high. He made it through surgery. He still needs prayer that his bleeding stays under control. From what I understand, Bill's 22 year old son went into ICU to see his dad and fainted. We won't let him live that one down. I think Brenda is near exhaustion. I hope she can get some rest now that the worst of it is over.

I will let you all go for now.

Watch for an update after our visit to the oncologist tomorrow.

Our God is an AWESOME God!
Awesome, Awesome

Love to all!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday May 13

Hello to those of you that may still be with us.

What a gorgeous spring day. I hope you got outside to feel the warm sun.

I said I would update you on the visit to our family physician yesterday. Believe it or not, it was great to be there. The nurse, Kathy, is so personable, sweet, bubbly and efficient. She's always smiling. And sometimes our doctor seems like more of a friend than our doctor. He's extremely smart and always knows the right thing to do. Brock was one of his first patients when Brock came to Fort Wayne 18 years ago. I think the whole time, Brock and the doctor have been teasing back and forth about Brock losing weight. Well, finally he has and the doctor said he looks great. That's really a compliment and I know it made Brock feel like a million bucks.

We talked a lot about the surgery and how we are all thrilled that it went so well. Not only that the surgeon could complete the surgery, but that the cancer was removed in it's entirety. The high blood pressure and fast heartbeat is a puzzle. He decided to put Brock on a low dose beta blocker, hopefully it won't be permanent. We will go back in 6 weeks. It very well could be caused by all this stress on his body and mind. Brock took his first pill this morning and said he thinks he might already feel better. Maybe not quite as fidgety. I don't know if blood pressure can drop in a day with one pill, but we will have it checked tomorrow to see if there is a change.

Today I took Brock to Wendy's to meet his coworkers for lunch. I used the excuse to see one of the grandkids. So we drove one to school and took the other to lunch with us. He was very well behaved and just loves being with his Grandpa (and Grandma :)

Brock pretty much slept off and on the rest of the day.

Hmmm, my blog seems to be getting boring. I guess that's good news.

Please continue to pray for Bill, our brother-in-law. He was having such severe chest pains they had to give him blood thinners and now he cannot have surgery possibly till Monday. It was so bad yesterday, he could only lay flat on his back or he had chest pains. They finally inserted a nitroglycerin IV drip and now he feels a little better. Brenda said all 4 arteries are 100% blocked.

We visit the radiologist on Thursday. I will sign on to let you know what the outcome is.

Thanks to everyone for all the compliments on this blog. I'm glad you have enjoyed it. They always say putting things on paper is therapy. It certainly has been for me. Someday I hope to meet each and every one of you. Your prayers and support has brought us to where we are today.

Our God is an AWESOME God!

With love,

Monday, May 12, 2008

Visit to the Surgeon May 12

Hello to all our friends and family,

I last updated you on Tuesday of last week. Since then, we are just taking one day at a time. Slow improvement each day. Whether the sun is shining or not has a lot to do with how much goes on around here. When it's sunny, Brock wants to be on the go and be outside.

On Saturday, we went to the range as there was a shooting match and Brock very much wanted to see the guys. It was the highlight of his week until Sunday when we went to church. Getting back to church after only two weeks was the ultimate. Here is a picture of our "patient" on the way to church.

He doesn't look much like a patient, huh? Looks pretty good if I do say so myself! :)
We had to buy him new clothes, not one thing he owns fits him.

His weight has leveled off for the last 3 days at 217. He is trying different foods each day. So far, so good. Very small meals and still drinking ensure. He gets full easy.

Sleeping is better now, he is able to lay on both sides, but he still wakes up quite often and spends some time on the couch during the night.

You never know when he will get tired and need a nap. It comes on quite suddenly. He naps 2 to 3 times a day.

Eighteen days since surgery. We feel that he has done remarkably well. If anyone would like to come visit, just give us a call. He would love some company.

Today was our first visit to the surgeon. He was very pleased. We were hoping to get the feeding tube removed today, but the doctor said it needs to stay in two more weeks.
Sounds like it has to do with the healing inside. We just have to flush it twice a day with tap water.

Brock thought for sure he would be able to drive, but four weeks from surgery would be minimum, so he's stuck with me as his chauffeur till late next week.

This time we both heard what we thought we heard in the hospital, but were afraid to voice outloud. The surgeon said he does NOT think Brock needs chemo or radiation. If fact, he said it twice. It seems to good to be true. Just making it through the surgery and getting this far has, in itself, been a miracle. The fact that they removed all the cancer and feel this confident about it, is simply, a gift from God.

We do have appointments with a radiologist and an oncologist. That will be the final answer. I know people are split right down the middle, those that think he should have chemo (just to be sure) and those that feel he doesn't need chemo if the man removing the cancer says there is nothing else lurking in Brock's body. We are going into it with completely open minds. We won't make any decision until we hear all sides. Ultimately, it's up to Brock and I will back him on whatever he decides.

One thing has cropped up that I haven't mentioned to you all. Since the moment Brock came out of surgery, he has had high blood pressure and fast pulse. At first we thought it was related to the surgery itself, then later to the fact he was so stressed being in the hospital. Then after getting home and home health care took his pressure, he did have swollen ankles, so the high pressure was thought to be fluid retention. Now that his ankles have returned to normal, he's home, not stressed, his blood pressure is still quite high. At 3:00 today we are returning to our family practitioner to talk to him about it and see what to do. We have been told that a traumatic incident, (an accident or major surgery) can sometimes make a problem like this show up. It may have happened later in life, it was just brought out sooner. There is a lot of high blood pressure in Brock's family, so this might just be the way it is from now on. I'll let you know after our appointment today.

In the meantime, we are asking for prayer for our brother-in-law, Bill, who had a heart attack on Saturday evening. Bill is the husband of Brock's sister Brenda. Many of you met her as she stayed with me during Brock's surgery, and for a few days afterwards. We got the word a little while ago that he has 4 blocked arteries and will need bypass surgery, probably tomorrow. Brock's mom had cataract surgery today and it went very well. This family is sure going through some trials.

Thanks again for staying with us. Your notes of encouragement, your prayers have kept us at peace and willing to accept God's will, regardless of what it is.

We all wish we could manage these trials on our own time, but one thing stuck out in the sermon at church yesterday....the right time is God's time. You never know the who, what, where, when why or how.

Our God is an AWESOME God!

We love you,
Chris & Brock

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Recovery Journey

Hello to family and friends that are staying with us through this recovery journey.

I last wrote on Tuesday. It's surprising how fast time is going. It's already 2 weeks today since surgery. One thing for sure, the body is an amazing thing. The healing is coming along. Brock is moving better every day. He finally had a shower today. I think he was really enjoying those sponge baths. :)

The home health care came in last evening and put a smaller aparatus on his tube feed tube. Since we're not using it, it was really in the way and hindering his getting comfortable for sleep. We are hoping the doctor takes it out at our appointment on Monday.

We are having fun doing a complete turn around on diet. For so many years, forever really, all we think about is low fat, fat free, low calorie foods. Now we need to go the complete opposite. He needs over 2,000 calories a day. His weight has dropped to 224. I know the doctor won't want him losing weight, but he still has a way to go. The charts say he should weigh 184, which is crazy. If he weighed 210, I think it would be OK. If anyone would like to contribute to an entire wardrobe, even down to the underwear....

Yesterday we took a short walk, the weather here isn't cooperating. It's rainy and around 60. We did take a ride through Foster Park to look at the world renowned tulip gardens. I've only wanted to do that for 9 years. We were almost too late this year, but it is pretty.

Sleeping is better. We are in our own room now. Although I woke up twice last night and Brock was gone. He moves from his recliner, to the couch, to the bed. Wherever he wants to sleep is fine with me.

Our biggest plan for this week is making it to church on Sunday. If he keeps improving the way he has the past 2 days, we will be there glorifying God.

During Brock's recovery we can't help think of the others that are in need of prayer at this time. Brock's Dad had a minor surgery and his Mom is having a cataract removed next week.
Becky White, during her recovery from successful back surgery for a likely benign tumor on her spinal cord, Tracy Ropp and Tammy Stultz, both young ladies, while they are going through medical problems right now. At the risk of missing someone, there are many more that can use prayer and God's blessing during medical trials.

God's blessing on us throughout the diagnosis, waiting for surgery, surgery and hospital experience was made easier by all of you praying for us and being there for us. It is just too cliche to say, there are not enough words to thank you for your faithfulness and your support. I wish I could come up with something new, but I'm quite speechless. Brock and I love you all.

I will update after the doctor appointment on Monday May 12.

Thanks again and keep in mind...
Our God is an AWESOME God!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Time to recover

Hello everyone,

I have been telling Brock for the last 24 hours that I need to get something out to you. I know some of you are wondering.

We were both so happy to arrive home on Sunday. Minutes after arriving, along come our daughter and son-in-law with the 2 grandkids to put up a welcome home banner for Grandpa. They couldn't believe we were home already. We had a nice short visit.

When we left the hospital we had a surprise. The discharge nurse had a lot of written instructions and was going over everything. We were shocked when she said "diet as tolerated". We had no idea he would be able to eat whatever he felt like eating. Before surgery, we had the idea he would only tube feed for weeks while his body healed. Not so! He ate pudding, yogurt and broth, but got brave and had saltines with it! He's also drinking juices.

Later in the afternoon, home health care came by to teach us how to use the tube feed equipment that was delivered by another company. It was quite tiring as it took a couple of hours. Brock was set up to have the pump running from 6 pm to 8 am. The food is a lot like ensure (if anyone is familiar with that). Just really good nutrition. Well, he couldn't sleep much the first night. He says it makes him feel full and he couldn't get comfortable. Every time I woke up, there was Brock just standing there. It was a long night. We ended up turning it off 3 hours early. It's easy to use, and all I have to do is flush the tube with tap water. (I feel like a nurse. :) The tube actually was surgically implanted in his intestine, not his stomach.

On Monday we were both tired from not sleeping the night before, but did manage to take one walk outside and one ride in the car. I went grocery shopping and also picked up Motrin so we could get him off the strong pain meds that just don't agree with him. We both slept some. He ate a lot more, including an ensure to make up for the tube feed he couldn't take in, oatmeal, frosted flakes, a donut, pudding, juice, milk, and topped it off with a Wendy's chicken to go wrap. We were so proud.

He wasn't able to lay down, only recline, so we called the home health nurse and he said that is common. Many people cannot lie flat. So throughout the day, he practiced on the couch and bed to try laying flat. Finally today he is able to lie on his left side only (not his back or right side yet.)

On Monday evening I know Brock was dreading getting the tube feed going. Well, Monday night went worse. At 12:30 a.m. he woke me up and said he couldn't take it anymore, so we turned it off.

He still didn't sleep well the rest of the night.

This morning Brock called the surgeon's office and talked to them about just eating by mouth and they gave him permission to try. We were so happy. He really feels like he can get adequate nutrition by mouth. After that he took a nap and has slept 3 times today. Praise the Lord! That's a big hurdle.

Brock wanted you all to know he was up to voting this morning and it was a good feeling. I hope all you Hoosiers got out to vote today too.

So we are taking one day at a time. Easy does it.

We haven't had many visitors yet as he just doesn't know when he's going to have to sleep. When he wears down, it comes on suddenly. We are thinking of all of you and very thankful to have you in our lives.

Matthew 28:20 And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.

or as our Grandson age 4 (almost 5) says, "Jesus said, " I will be with you always.""

Our God is an AWESOME God!

Have a great week. We have a follow up appointment with the surgeon on Monday, May 12, but I'm planning to blog before then.



Sunday, May 4, 2008

Here he is!!

Hello to everyone!
Here is the man of the hour, on his way home. That's my father pushing him out of the hospital. Believe me, he would've been walking if they would've let him. My dad was a rock during this whole hospital experience. He was beside us every step of the way and we appreciate him and love him dearly.
This is the time to thank all of you for all you've done. In no particular order, prayer, mowing our lawn, prayer, cleaning my house, prayer, bringing the grandkids to see us, prayer, taking our garbage out to the street, prayer, taking me to lunch, prayer, staying with Brock late at night when I couldn't be there. Cards, emails, phone calls and good wishes and visits. Being there for both of us and pouring out your love to us. And especially to our surgeon, his knowledge, expertise and ability, afforded us this opportunity to grow old together. We are so grateful. We love each and every one of you.
We are very tired tonight. I will write tomorrow and go into more detail when my mind is clearer. Right now I just want to sit beside my husband, with his remote in hand and watch whatever HE wants to watch on TV.
As we drove out of the circle drive of the hospital, with tears in our eyes, we thanked God for this beautiful spring day, for the flowers and trees blooming, for the glory of life. We will cherish every day He gives us. Then we turned on the CD and played, "Our God is an AWESOME God."
Sleep well and have a great week.


We just got the word, we are going home!

Praise the Lord!!

You are an AWESOME God!!


Day Ten Mid-Morning May 4

Well, here it is 10 days out. When we originally saw the surgeon and he explained the Whipple Procedure, he had told us to expect 1-3 days in ICU and 10 to 11 days in the hospital, so needless to say we are hoping to go home today. He hasn’t been in yet to give us the word.

I didn’t write yesterday, not because it wasn’t a long day cause it was.

On Friday night I got to sleep about 10 pm. At 1 am Brock called. He was awake and sounded good and said he was doing ok. At 2 am he called again. I wasn’t back to sleep yet. This time he asked if I would come, he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t get comfortable and I think he was just plain lonely, so I pretty much just left the house. Didn’t take anything with me, (computer, lunch, etc.) He was sound asleep when I got there. I soon realized he seemed to be sleeping about 10 minutes at a time. I found out what he means about a dungeon. Why is it everything seems worse at night? As the sun rose, our hospital room looked bright and perfectly comfortable. I’m realizing now, I probably should’ve moved on into the room before now. It might have helped more than I know. I didn’t sleep very well at home anyway.

When the doctor was in, he said Brock could probably go home tomorrow (today, Sunday). He wanted to watch the drain that was showing infection, although nothing had come out of it for quite some time. They removed the drain on the left side and all the rest of the staples. He went to pills instead of shots for the meds he is still on. (pain meds are, motrin and darveset. He is finished with the nasty narcotics).

No fever at all on Saturday. He went on soft foods instead of just liquids. Oatmeal, crème soups, puddings, ice cream. He is tolerating them very well so far.

I will stop here as the morning is getting quite busy on the floor. A lot of noise and interruptions.

Hopefully I’ll be writing from home next with Brock there with me.

Our God is an AWESOME God!

Happy Sunday to you!

Love to all,

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day Nine Late Afternoon May 3

I'm sure there are a few of you out there that are wondering about us.

It's just been a busy, busy day.

Well everyone, it most probably will be tomorrow.


I will write a complete blog later this evening. I am staying the night as I received a call at 2 am last night to please come keep him company.

Our God is an AWESOME God!

Love to all,

Friday, May 2, 2008

Day Eight Mid Afternoon May 2

Hello for the second time today.

Over the past 3 hours, I have tried to find a few minutes to write. Actually we've had a quiet day compared to other days before now.

Update on the infection. I don't want to say it's better because I really don't know, but the drainage on that side has slowed down and his fever only rose to 99.1 where as yesterday it went to 101.5. So keep praying for that and the other specific thing that he would get rest tonight.

He seems to be relaxing a little better today.

Yesterday he did get 1/2 of the staples out. Every other one. The incision looks good so far.

The biggest news is... at this moment he is not connected to anything. He is free. We took a picture of him without pushing the pole, but I don't have my cords here to download and share it with you. From here on out, only tube feeding at night from 6 pm to 10 am. The IV is capped off, but still in his arm. He is getting the antibiotic once a day, so they will connect him for that. A little bit ago he sat on the opposite side of the bed and said, "I'm getting up this way cause I can." Wow! That's my Brock. Feisty and adventurous.

The discharge nurse suggested I go to Cancer Services because PHP will not pay for Brock's food for the tube feed that he will do at home also from 6 pm to 10 am. Cancer Services has it at cost. It is pretty frustrating, they will pay for so many medications that people really don't need, but this food will literally keep him alive. Oh well, this is the first thing they have refused to pay for. If anyone knows of a person that has been diagnosed with cancer, please sign up there for help. They had us sign up yesterday. It's an amazing place. You can use just about anything free of charge, just bring it back when you are finished, like crutches, all kids of equipment. Bandages, bed pads, you name it. They help with transportation if you need it, support groups, even massage therapy.

I hope you all are happy just reading the blog and not actually talking to us. Brock really isn't up to it yet and I'm too tired at night to make any calls.

We've had a really rainy day here although it's warm, over 70.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I know our weekend will be wonderful as every day is, now that this surgery is behind us. One thing for sure, I finally realize what is meant by "in sickness and in health". You wish you could take the pain away, you wish you could share the pain. The joy of seeing small changes for the better just makes your heart sing!

Until next time....

Our God is an AWESOME God!

With love from Chris

Day Eight Early Morning Prayer Request

Good Morning to the early risers,

I arrived at the hospital today at 6:15. I already missed the doctor.

I will make this short so you can get to praying about an infection Brock has developed. The drain on his right side is showing there is infection of some kind. Two days ago he developed a fever in the afternoon. It rose to 101.5, then went back down. Yesterday the doctor said the drain is showing infection and ordered the antibiotic. This morning it is still the same so he told Brock if it doesn't improve, they may need to do a CAT scan to see what might be going on inside. Extra prayers today that this infection subscides and that the antibotic takes care of it.

I will write more later as time allows.

Our God is an AWESOME God!

Love from Chris

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day Seven Late Morning May 1

Good Morning to anyone that might be checking Brock's update today,

The surgeon was just in, but before I tell you about today, I'll mention the night's escapades.

I received a call from Brock at 1 a.m. He had another reaction to meds. This time it was most probably Ambien. He woke up to another new nurse (I'm guessing in the week we've been here we've seen at least 50 different RN's, LPN's and NA's). He thought she was keeping him captive in his room and by golly, he was going to find a way out. And he did. He disconnected himself and was moving on down the hall when one of the gals he recognized said, "Brock, where are you going?" So no more sleep aids.

He is doing real well with the new pain meds, not complaining about pain at all. I arrived here at the hospital at 6:15 am and he kept me hopping till 8:30 when he had a 45 minute nap. He shaved himself in the bathroom, walked a bunch, had his sponge bath :) sat in the chair, sat on the bed, walked some more, ate some breakfast, (broth and juice). Whew, the man wore me out!

Now to the doctor visit. He got the NG tube out!! Praise the Lord, he looks great! And it feels SO good to him. Like I said, every day something else disappears. Also he might get a few of the staples out probably today. I became bold again and asked the doctor approximately how many days we're looking at before he goes home. (I just don't want them springing it on me suddenly.) He said 2 or 3 more days. So he should be home by Monday. And to think today was the original surgery date. Oh yes, the National Day of Prayer is today. I pray for good health for every one of you. You are precious to us.

They brought a scale in and at this point he hasn't lost any more weight. We don't want to have to buy an entire new wardrobe. :) Some of you might not know that from the time he had flu like symptoms starting on March 12 till the day of surgery, he lost 25 pounds. It would be nice to stay where he is now.

Yesterday afternoon he had some fever, so the doctor is putting him on an antibiotic.

My Dad mentioned that we just keep getting answer to prayer. Amen to that!!

I better go for now before I get interrupted. It's hard to find a chunk of time to write except late when I get home and I'm also a morning person.

Our God is an AWESOME God! (I hope no one is tired of Brock's song yet. :)

Everyone enjoy this wonderful spring day.

With love,